

For a long time now, I have been carrying a burden in my heart to make the messages from our conferences accessible to everyone. In the past, we recorded audio and video on cassette tapes and stored them properly, but the problem was finding a place to store them. However, technology has come a long way and we now have the means to store them online.

But my goal goes beyond just storing audio files. I want to transcribe the messages and turn them into a book. This has been a desire in my heart for a long time, and I see 2023 as the year to get something started. I see the Kingdom Hall Library as a solution to this problem and a way to provide access to these messages for those who may not have understood them before.

In addition, technological trends have greatly improved, making it possible to make these messages even more accessible. The aim of the Kingdom Hall Library is to spread these messages and provide a cure for those who may have missed the word of God before. In the parable of the Sower in Matthew 13, Jesus spoke of seeds falling by the wayside, but the Kingdom Hall Library provides the vaccine to cure this problem.

I believe that this is the perfect time to start this project and I am motivated to see it through to completion. I am confident that with God’s grace and the advancements in technology, we can make this dream a reality. The Kingdom Hall Library will provide a means for people to listen to these messages again, solidifying the word of God in their hearts