The Kingdom Word Library is a mission to preserve the messages from all of our conferences for everyone to have access to. For a long time, we have been recording our conferences on audio cassettes and VHS tapes, which require proper storage. With advancements in technology, it is now possible to store these messages online. Our aim is to transcribe these messages and turn them into books, making it easier for people to access and understand the word of God. Our past conferences have shown us that it is possible to transcribe the messages manually, with a few individuals coming together to transcribe one message. This year, 2023, is the year we aim to get started on this project.
In the parable of the Sower mentioned in Matthew 13, Jesus talked about the seeds that fell by the wayside, and how they did not understand the word of God. The Kingdom Word Library aims to cure this problem by providing a platform for people to listen to these messages again and solidify the word of God in their hearts. The library is like a vaccine to cure the problem of the seeds falling by the wayside, and our goal is to get these words out there.
With the technological trends improving and increasing, we now have access to advanced tools and resources that make it easier to achieve our goal. The aim of the Kingdom Word Library is to provide a platform for people to access the messages from our conferences, helping them understand the word of God and solidifying it in their hearts. We believe that this library will make a positive impact on people’s lives and help spread the word of God.